Reduce electricity costs and improve church heating
It's important to find a way to ensure the well-being of people who take their seats for the celebration of the Mass and, even if this lasts on average less than 60 minutes, its warm-up takes much more time. For traditional methods, the activation of the heating system is foreseen at least 2 hours before the actual need and, due to the long time required, it is not possible to know exactly the actual area that needs to be heated, during a celebration could for example be occupied only 8 pews in the whole church.
To respond to all these problems, and due to the continuous increase in electricity costs, Thermal Technology has created a new product that allows you to heat only the church pews that are actually occupied and only for the time necessary for the celebration, guaranteeing thermal comfort and maximum energy savings.
This is possible thanks to the heating system located on the individual church pews, which works by frontal radiation through a custom-made heating panel, with a thickness of 12 mm, applied in correspondence with the backrest. Each single panel has a luminous ON / OFF switch that can be activated by the people who occupy it directly upon their arrival, as the perception of heat is immediate.
A practical example on the consumption required to heat a church with the radiant panel heating system: if 30 people occupy 8 benches inside the church, and it is necessary to heat them for an hour, with a power of 500W per bench the total consumption will be only 4 kWh of electricity.
Furthermore, this radiant heating solution for churches, unlike the air solutions, allows to protect the art works and wall paintings inside the churches, which remain fully in their thermal equilibrium, thanks to the type of localized heating.
Thermal Technology radiant panels for church pews therefore guarantee, in addition to energy saving, also the safeguarding of the artistic heritage.
Find out our radiant panel for church pews backs or other electric heating solutions for churches.