solar panels snow removal

Solar panels snow removal

Photovoltaic panels covered by snow can suffer a decrease in performance until they are completely switched off. Thermal Technology heating solution does not allow snow to settle and prevent the panels from operating normally.

The secret behind our photovoltaic panels heating solutions is an internationally patented technology, designed to guarantee numerous advantages to those who use it.

-50% on installation costs

Carbon fiber heating systems are connected to the electricity grid, no interventions to the water network are required.

0% Harmful emissions

No fuels are used that increase CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere.

0% Maintenance costs

The system does not require any periodic scheduled maintenance, unlike traditional heating systems.

High protection grade

All Thermal Technology solar panles snow removal products are protected against the penetration of liquids and dust.

-40% Energy consumption

Thanks to the special characteristics of Thermal Technology's carbon fiber, energy consumption for heating is substantially reduced.

Warranty up to 15 years

Thermal Technology products, while not having any type of wear, are guaranteed for 15 years for electric floor heating systems, 5 years for radiators and 2 years for heating blankets and electronic components.

Our solar panels snow removal solutions

Heating film for photovoltaic panels

Easy-to-install snow melting solution for photovoltaic panels, which allows energy production even in the event of snowfall.
Find out more about our Snow melting system for solar panels

Heating film for solar panels



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